These informal video presentations include Q&As, insights and recommendations presented by IDOC’s team of consulting experts.
Question Of The Week
Eye Own a Business Episode 17: The Five Levels of Leadership
“Leadership is not about title or positions, it is about one life influencing another.” These are the words of world-renowned leadership expert John Maxwell. In this episode, I had the opportunity to interview Chris Goede, Vice President of Client Success for The John Maxwell Company. Chris is one of our keynote speakers for our upcoming national convention, The Connection, in Orlando on February 16 -19. In this episode, Chris takes us though the foundational principles from John Maxwell’s best-seller, The 5 Levels of Leadership. As you’re listening, try to determine what level you are currently at, and what needs to change to advance to the next level. Don’t get stuck at a low level! Developing and growing your leadership attributes will pay huge dividends in managing your team and growing a successful practice.
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