These informal video presentations include Q&As, insights and recommendations presented by IDOC’s team of consulting experts.
Question Of The Week
Eye Own a Business Episode 9: Are You Bored? Rediscover Your Passion for Eye Care
Does your career feel stagnant? Have you lost your excitement for practicing optometry? If you fall into that category, that may be hard to admit, but you’re not alone. In fact, it’s very common for ODs to feel “burned out” from the routine of seeing patients. The good news is… you don’t have to be confined to a small dark room if you don’t want to. A lot of opportunities exist for ODs to pursue alternative career paths if they aspire to.
In this episode I talk to Dr. Joel Hayden. His story involves specialty services, a YouTube channel, teaching a course, mentoring potential optometry students, and even a foray into the world of acting. This is Joel’s story. You can write your own, and I hope this interview inspires some people feeling “stuck” to get out of their comfort zone and pursue the unconventional path.